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Quick start

Retina uses a forking workflow. To contribute, fork the repository and create a branch for your changes.

The easiest way to set up your Development Environment is to use the provided GitHub Codespaces configuration.

Environment Config

  • Go
  • Docker
  • Helm
  • jq: sudo apt install jq
  • Fork the repository
  • If you want to use as container registry, login following instructions here

LLVM/Clang Installation

To manually configure your DevEnv you will need llvm-strip and clang.

To install clang:

sudo apt install clang-16

To install llvm-strip:

export LLVM_VERSION=16
curl -sL | sudo bash -s "$LLVM_VERSION"

Test that llvm-strip and clang are in your PATH:

which clang
which llvm-strip

If these commands fail (there is no output), then see if you have a binary with the version as a suffix (e.g. /usr/bin/clang-16 and /usr/bin/llvm-strip-16). Then create a symbolic link to the versioned binary like:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-16 /usr/bin/clang
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-strip-16 /usr/bin/llvm-strip

Building and Testing


make test # run unit-test locally
make test-image # run tests in docker container


Generate all mocks and BPF programs:

make all

Build the Retina binary:

make retina

To build a retina-agent container image with specific tag:

make retina-image # also pushes to image registy
make retina-operator-image

To build binary of a plugin and test it

# Test packetforward.
$ cd <Retina_repository>/test/plugin/packetforward
$ go build . && sudo ./packetforward
info metrics Metrics initialized
info packetforward Packet forwarding metric initialized
info packetforward Start collecting packet forward metrics
info test-packetforward Started packetforward logger
error packetforward Error reading hash map {"error": "lookup: key does not exist"}
debug packetforward Received PacketForward data {"Data": "IngressBytes:302 IngressPackets:4 EgressBytes:11062 EgressPackets:33"}
debug packetforward Received PacketForward data {"Data": "IngressBytes:898 IngressPackets:12 EgressBytes:11658 EgressPackets:41"}
debug packetforward Received PacketForward data {"Data": "IngressBytes:898 IngressPackets:12 EgressBytes:23808 EgressPackets:70"}

Publishing Images and Charts

To publish images to GHCR in your forked repository, simply push to main, or publish a tag. The container-publish action will run automatically and push images to your GitHub packages registry.

These registries are private by default; to pull images from your registry anonymously, navigate to "Package Settings" for each publish image repository and set the visibility to "Public".

Alternatively, configure authenticated access to your registry using a GitHub Personal Access Token.

Deploying on Kubernetes Cluster

  1. Create Kubernetes cluster.

  2. Install Retina using Helm:

    helm upgrade --install retina oci://$YOUR_ORG/retina/charts/retina \
    --version $YOUR_VERSION \
    --set image.tag=$YOUR_VERSION \
    --set operator.tag=$YOUR_VERSION \
    --set logLevel=info \
    --set enabledPlugin_linux="\[dropreason\,packetforward\,linuxutil\,dns\]"

Verify Deployment

Check Retina deployment and logs

$ kubectl -n kube-system get po
retina-agent-kq54d 1/1 Running 0 88s
$ kubectl -n kube-system logs retina-agent-kq54d -f
info main Reading config ...
info main Initializing metrics
info metrics Metrics initialized
info main Initializing Kubernetes client-go ...
info controller-manager Initializing controller manager ...
info plugin-manager Initializing plugin manager ...
info packetforward Packet forwarding metric initialized
info dropreason Start listening for drop reason events...
info packetforward Start collecting packet forward metrics
debug packetforward Received PacketForward data {"Data": "IngressBytes:24688994 IngressPackets:6786 EgressBytes:370647 EgressPackets:4153"}


Retina generates Prometheus metrics and exposes them on port 10093 with path /metrics.

$ kubectl port-forward retina-agent-wzjld 9090:10093 -n kube-system  2>&1 >/dev/null &
$ ps aux | grep '[p]ort-forward'
anubhab 614516 0.0 0.1 759000 41796 pts/3 Sl+ 14:34 0:00 kubectl port-forward retina-agent-wzjld 9090:10093 -n kube-system
$ curl http://localhost:9090/metrics | grep retina
networkobservability_drop_bytes{direction="unknown",reason="IPTABLE_RULE_DROP"} 480
networkobservability_drop_count{direction="unknown",reason="IPTABLE_RULE_DROP"} 12
networkobservability_forward_bytes{direction="egress"} 1.28357355e+08
networkobservability_forward_bytes{direction="ingress"} 3.9520696e+08
networkobservability_forward_count{direction="egress"} 126462
networkobservability_forward_count{direction="ingress"} 156793


Install Prometheus and Grafana onto the cluster to visualize metrics.

Documentation for these technologies:


Uninstall Retina:

make helm-uninstall

Opening a Pull Request

When you're ready to open a pull request, please ensure that your branch is up-to-date with the main branch, updates relevant docs and tests, and passes all tests and lints.

Cryptographic Signing of Commits

In order to certify the provenance of commits and defend against impersonation, we require that all commits be cryptographically signed. Documentation for setting up Git and Github to sign your commits can be found here. Additional information about Git's use of GPG can be found here

Developers Certificate of Origin (DCO)

Contributions to Retina must contain a Developers Certificate of Origin within their constituent commits. This can be accomplished by providing a -s flag to git commit as documented here. This will add a Signed-off-by trailer to your Git commit, affirming your acceptance of the Contributor License Agreement.