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Grafana is an open-source platform for monitoring and observability. It allows you to query, visualize, alert on, and explore your metrics no matter where they are stored. For more information, visit the Grafana open-source section.


Make sure that you're still port-forwarding your server to localhost:9090 as part of Prometheus setup. Alternatively you can configure your server for some other HTTP endpoint, but that is not covered in the following instructions.

Configuring Grafana

If you followed the steps to install and configure Prometheus, you will already have Grafana installed as part of the kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart.

  1. Get Grafana user

    kubectl get secret -n kube-system prometheus-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-user}" | base64 --decode ; echo
  2. Get Grafana password

    kubectl get secret -n kube-system prometheus-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
  3. Use port forwarding to access Grafana UI at localhost:8080 and enter you login credentials

    kubectl port-forward --namespace kube-system  svc/prometheus-grafana 8080:80

    Grafana login

  4. Make sure Prometheus is set as a default under Grafana datasources localhost:8080/connections/datasources

    Grafana datasources

  5. Import the kubernetes-networking-observability dashboard by id 18814 at localhost:8080/dashboard/import

    Grafana import

  6. Kubernetes cluster metrics shouold be visible

    Grafana kubernetes-networking-observability dashboard

Retina Dashboards

There is a set of Retina dashboards that you can import directly into Grafana as json files. The dashboards are found under deploy/legacy/grafana/dashboards/ if you installed retina legacy controlplane, and under deploy/hubble/grafana/dashboards/ if you installed retina hubble controlplane.

Here is an example of the Retina dns.json dashboard.

Grafana retina DNS dashboard